Treatment of chromoblastomycosis with amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine

Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am. 1981;9(2):125-8.
[Treatment of chromoblastomycosis with amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine].

Astorga E, Bonilla E, Martínez C, Mura W.


The authors are confirming the efficacy of the combination of Anfotericina B y 5-fluorocitosine in the treatment of Cromoblastomicosis. The used program was as follows: 50 mg. of Anfotericine-B by intravenous injection every two days during 13 weeks (39 dosis). Simultaneously tablets of 500 mg. of 5-fluorocitesina, every 6 hours, oral, also daily during 13 weeks (194 gramos dosis total) were given. The two treated patients were under monthly control during 10 months and observing no relapse of the disease, with other words there exists already a clinical and histological cure (healing). In one case it was observed a change in the ble blood chemistry which spontaneously normalized when suspending the combined treatment for one week and did not repeat when starting a new treatment.

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