Skin manifestations in course of celiac disease: case report and review of the literature

Skroza N, Proietti I, Bernardini N, Giorgio LV, Mancini MT, Nicolucci F, Pampena R, Tolino E, Zuber S, Potenza C1.

1Department of Dermatology «Daniele Innocenzi», Sapienza University of Rome-Polo Pontino, Ospedale Fiorini, Via Firenze, snc, 04019 Terracina (LT), Italy. [email protected].

Skin and gut represent physical and immunological barriers between internal and external environment. Some affections involving the intestine, such as celiac disease, are reported to be associated with several different cutaneous diseases, like dermatitis herpetiforme or psoriasis. This could be better explained if gut and skin are taken as complex structures that share physio-pathological and immunological aspects. As a proof, we present the case of a woman affected by celiac disease who presented with three different skin manifestations strongly related in terms of onset, response to therapy and improvement during gluten-free diet

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