

Maan JS1, Saadabadi A2.

StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2017-.
2017 Oct 6.

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Quetiapine treats schizophrenia. There is FDA indication through three 6-week trials and one 6-week trial for schizophrenia in adults and adolescents ages 13 to 17, respectively. It was shown that in the first trial in adults that maximal effect was seen at 300 mg per day. A mean of around 450 mg per day in the second trial showed superiority to placebo and a mean of 500 mg per day in the third trial showed superiority over the group that received 50 mg a day. Effective range was concluded to be from 150 mg to 750 mg for treatment of schizophrenia in adults. In the one six-week trial, it was concluded that quetiapine

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