International registry of dermatological manifestations secondary to COVID-19 infection in 347 Hispanic patients from 25 countries

Ya se encuentra en Pubmed en ahead of print online en revista indexada de gran prestigio y con muy buen factor de impacto el artículo: Int J Dermatol

2021 May 8. doi: 10.1111/ijd.15632. Online ahead of print.

International registry of dermatological manifestations secondary to COVID-19 infection in 347 Hispanic patients from 25 countries

Jorge Ocampo-Candiani 1, Cesar Jair Ramos-Cavazos 1, Maria Ivonne Arellano-Mendoza 2, Roberto Arenas-Guzmán 3, Angélica Beirana-Palencia 4, Alfredo Salmon-Demongin 5, Esperanza Welsh-Hernández 6, Horacio A Cabo 7, Minerva Gómez-Flores 1, Judith Dominguez-Cherit 8, Paulo Ricardo Criado 9, Helena Castro-López 10, Abraham Benjamin Alfaro-Sánchez 6, Alejandro García-Vargas 11, Emilia N Cohen-Sabban 12, Manuel Del Solar 13, Félix Fich 14, Gastón Galimberti 15, Carlos Fernando Gatti 16, José Luis López-Estebaranz 17, Omar Lupi 18, Miguel Olmos-Pérez 19, Ricardo Pérez-Alfonzo 20


Background: The infection by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been associated with multiple cutaneous manifestations, although characterization of them in Hispanic patients with darker skin phototypes is lacking. The objective of this study is to characterize the clinical dermatological manifestations associated with COVID-19 infection in cases with few or without general symptoms in patients from Latin America.

Methods: Cross-sectional study using a questionnaire that was made for health professionals (physicians with a specialty in dermatology) to investigate dermatological lesions associated with COVID-19 infection in patients from 25 countries of Latin America. The survey was active from June 9 to July 30, 2020.

Results: In this study, information was collected from a total of 347 patients. We found a female gender predominance: 179/347 (51.6%). The mean age at presentation was 40.87 years. The most frequent dermatological manifestations were maculopapular rash and urticarial lesions, followed by papulovesicular lesions, vesicular lesions, chilblain-like lesions, papular lesions, ecchymosis, petechial purpura, pityriasis rosea-like lesions, pruritus, palmoplantar dysesthesias, transient livedo, acral necrosis, palpable purpura, livedo racemosa, and retiform purpura. As far as we know, there are no previous reports of pruritus and palmoplantar dysesthesias.

Conclusions: This registry emphasizes skin manifestations as an important criterion for establishing the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in Latin American countries. This information will be useful for the early identification of suspected cases by health professionals (dermatologists and nondermatologists) and will allow contact tracing to mitigate the impact on health systems at different levels.

© 2021 the International Society of Dermatology.

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