Topical antibiotics in Dermatology Emerging

Enviado cordialmente por La Dra. Olga Zerpa
DirkM.Elston, Topical antibiotics in Dermatology Emerging. Dermatologic clin 27 ( 2009) 25 – 31,

Topical agents are widely used to treat skin conditions.

The skin is readily accessible and topical agents can be applied at high concentration, achieving effective levels locally with little systemic toxicity. The high local levels of antibiotic that can be achieved with topical formulations can help kill bacteria in bacterial biofilms.1 Resistance to topical antibiotics is of growing concern to dermatologists.

The armamentarium of topical agents is limited, and those that are available cannot afford to be lost. Responsible use of topical antibiotics will preserve their efficacy. This article focuses on evidence of emerging resistance, the implications to clinical practice, and strategies to minimize occurrence.

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2 comentarios

  1. Ma Eugenia Moreno, Puebla/Mexico

    Saludos, solicito amablemente el envio del artículo.
    hasta pronto

  2. Peral Rodriuez Maria Eugenia

    Me parecer muy bueno el articulo. Fuera tan amable de enviarmelo completo.

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