Cicatrices de acné: ¿necesitamos tratarlas? ¿Tratar o prevenir?

Cicatrices de acné: ¿necesitamos tratarlas? ¿Tratar o prevenir?
(Acne Scars – Do We Need To. Treat Or To Prevent)

Conferencia dictada por la Dra,Brigitte Dreno. En Madrid durante el congreso europeo de Dermatologia Octubre de 2019

On the 10th and 11th October 2019, the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) in Madrid, Spain, hosted the ‘meet the expert’ session ‘Acne scars – do we need to treat or to prevent’

The session was hosted by Prof Dr Brigitte Dréno*, Head of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Nantes, Nantes, France. An expert of chronic inflammatory disease, she discussed the prevalence and pathogenesis of acne, in addition to the currently available treatments and their potential effects on reducing acne scarring.1-5

Prof Dr Dréno provided an overview of acne scar epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, and treatment options, and discussed the efficacy and safety of a 6-month clinical trial investigating the prevention and reduction of atrophic acne scars with adapalene 0.3%/benzoyl peroxide 2.5% (A0.3/BPO2.5) gel. Acne patients were 16–35 years of age with moderate-to-severe acne on the face. Within this cohort, after the first 24 weeks of treatment the number of atrophic acne scars reduced by approximately four. Furthermore, continuation for an additional 24 weeks revealed the prevention of the occurrence of new scars.6

Click on the video below to experience the highlights from this thought-provoking symposium.


Acerca de Jaime Piquero Martín

Profesor Emerito Instituto de Biomedicina Jacinto Convit UCV. Ex Jefe del Servicio del Hospital Vargas de Caracas. Coeditor de Piel latinoamericana. Fundador del Global Alliance para el estudio del acne, del Grupo iberolatinoamericano del acné (Gilea), Grupo latinoamericano del acné (GALA) y del Grupo de acné y Rosacea en Venezuela (GARVE)

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