Editores PIEL-L

Mesa de redacción de Piel Latinoamericana. Donde recibimos casos, aportes e información de interés para la comunidad latinoamericana dermatólogica

Urticaria por contacto

Marta Patricia La Forgia El síndrome de urticaria por contacto (SUC) (Maibach y Johnson, 1975), la urticaria por contacto (UxC) (Fisher, 1973) y la dermatitis por contacto con proteínas( DxCxP) (Hjorth y Road Peterson, 1976) son patologías caracterizadas por el desarrollo inmediato de lesiones por contacto principalmente ronchas y/o eccema. …

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Contact urticaria syndrome caused by haptens

Krzysztof Gomu?ka, Bernard Panaszek Department of Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Allergology, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland Head of Department: Prof. Bernard Panaszek MD, PhD Postep Derm Alergol 2014; XXXI, 2: 108–112 DOI: 10.5114/pdia.2014.40915 Abstract In the group of urticaria, contact urticaria syndrome is a particular variety. In these patients, appearance of …

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News on occupational contact dermatitis

Crépy MN, Bensefa-Colas L. Abstract Contact dermatitis–irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis and protein contact dermatitis–are the most common occupational skin diseases, most often localized to the hands. Contact urticaria is rarer The main occupational irritants are wet work, detergents and disinfectants, cutting oils, and solvents. The main occupational allergens …

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Cutaneous adverse effects of hormonal adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: A case of localised urticarial vasculitis following anastrozole therapy and a review of the literature

Author information Abstract Hormonal therapy with either tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors is commonly used to treat women with breast cancer in both the adjuvant and recurrent disease setting. Cutaneous adverse reactions to these drugs have been rarely reported in the literature. We report an unusual case of urticarial vasculitis following …

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Skin rash and arthritis a simplified appraisal of less common associations

Cozzi A, Doria A, Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. Author information Abstract Skin and joint manifestations are part of the clinical spectrum of many disorders. Well-known associations include psoriatic arthritis and arthritis associated with autoimmune connective tissue diseases. This review focuses on less common associations where skin lesions can provide easily …

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Discurso de ingreso del Dr. Francisco Kerdel Vegas a la Real Academia de Doctores de Cataluña, 30/09/2014

Felicitaciones al Profesor Dr. Francisco Kerdel Vegas por su nombramiento en la real academia de Doctores de Catalunya. Anexo, discurso de incorporacion programado para el 30/09/2014, Piel latinoamericana A continuación Discurso: [gview file=»https://piel-l.org/blog/wp-content/uploads//2014/09/Discurso-Real-Academia-de-Doctores-de-Cataluña.docx»]

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